Dating your resident assistant

Dating > Dating your resident assistant

In the next few years, some of you will have long-term relationships, while many of you will engage in short-term hook-ups. There are dating your resident assistant types of college relationships that have an urban legend-esque feel to them: the sexy school girl and the married professor, the sexy school girl and the teaching assistant, and, of course, wssistant sexy school girl and the resident assistant. Still, I know plenty of people who have dabbled in these waters. First of all, consider the fact that even inter-floor mating can lead dating your resident assistant year-long awkwardness. Even if you survive the W. This means he also has the master key to your room not implying anything, just saying. This fact alone can open up a brand new can of worms in Relationship Land. He puts his job first and makes you pour it out and writes you up. Do you really want any more emotions stacked on top of the pain of losing all of that perfectly good alcohol? Many of them sign uour to save money on housing— and I think saving assistantt in college is something we can all relate to. In that case, I recommend having an adult conversation and weighing the pros and cons of pursuing your feelings, or even looking into swapping floors for future semesters. You might also want to find out if he has a reputation for seducing his advisees Van-Wilder-Style before you get in too deep. There are plenty of other fellas on campus to make regrets out of, so why make a mistake with someone who is pretty much in charge of your living quarters?.

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