British guy dating american girl

Dating > British guy dating american girl

Keep in mind his sense of humour. Many Brits have a different sense of humour than Americans, so don't feel hurt or offended if he doesn't laugh at your jokes, and don't get confused if you don't understand his. Brits are often dry british guy dating american girl sarcastic, and part of the national humour involves making fun of Americans, but don't take it personally. Keep in mind that he loves you and it's just the way he is. American jokes are funny anyway, because most of it is true. Try to learn his mysterious ways. A lot of words are different across the pond, and you may want to invest in a handy-dandy British-to-American dictionary to decode your boy. So if your Brit gets a new wallet or something and he doesn't know where do put it, you should not under any circumstances suggest that he clip it to his pants. This will only generate awkward silences and funny looks. Try to get interested in his culture. This may seem to you like some totally strange and bonkers things to do, but remember that were it not for England, you would definitely not be American, so try to get interested in it. You may find some cool bits of culture that you wouldn't expect.

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